6 Myths That Are Working Against Your Goals…And We Don’t Even Realize It
Your content marketing strategy sucks! I know, I know. You are probably muttering to yourself that this statement is insulting, and while it can be taken as such, it genuinely isn’t intended that way.
Instead, it’s meant to get your attention and move you to take different actions than you are taking now.
Stop for a minute and consider the content marketing work you are doing currently…
In the words of Dr. Phil, “How’s that working for ya?”
Do you really know “if”, and more specifically, “how” your content marketing is working in achieving measurable and meaningful goals?
Ponder that for another minute…
Perhaps, you have fallen prey to some myths, some may have even been true once upon a time. Others never were but sounded good at some point, didn’t they?
We’ve all bought into some of these, so don’t feel bad. Let’s take a look at these 6 myths and banish them forevermore!
1. We must crank out content every month or week
This one has persisted for over a decade now, and I am somewhat surprised more people don’t see through it. Less quality content that is properly and vigorously distributed/promoted to a targeted audience will ALWAYS beat loads of poor quality content.
[bctt tweet=”The main way to stick out from the crowded field of content is to do what most won’t take the time to do, invest in in-depth content”] (2,000-5,000 word articles, 30-60 minute videos, 6+ panel infographics, etc.).
Give tons of value for free (over time) and watch your authority skyrocket!
2. Shorter attention spans demand shorter content
Believe it or not, the data science shows just the opposite of what we intuitively believe. People do have short attention spans, but giving them more of short content won’t get them to engage.
It has to be unique and invaluable…enter longer content. Then they are much more likely to share and link to it.
3. Video will always win over written text
The meteoric rise of video is undeniable and unstoppable, for sure, but don’t ignore good ole fashioned writing. This is a case of not “one or the other” but “both/and”.
4. We should always be looking for the latest strategy/tactic
Shiny object syndrome plagues us all, doesn’t it?
I know it does me, at times, and over the years, I have trained myself to resist the urge to chase too many things at once, new or established. While we do need to be open to new things that come along, far too often, the opposite is our biggest problem.
Focus and execution are even more critical in our digital age…lest we run after many things and follow through on too few of them to make a difference.
5. Content marketing software will solve all our problems
While it’s true that it can assist you in creating better content, streamlining the writing/editing process, publishing, etc., no system will be a magic pill. Nor will it do the hard work of the actual writing itself, and if you find some software that says it does, be suspicious.
Artificial intelligence is not that far advanced to create highly engaging content…yet!
6. Short-term sales results are the only thing that matters
No one should deny that all digital marketing campaigns should be accountable for hitting targets, but it shouldn’t just be measured in terms of “sales” or some other short-term goal. Counting email subscriptions that get warmed up with an email series to a place where the lead is scored and qualified by a live salesperson is extremely valuable over the long-term.
And don’t discount the long-term benefit of becoming a genuine thought leader in your industry; this most often takes years to build up and has many benefits that will turn into sales down the road.
It is getting harder and harder to measure the ROI of digital marketing campaigns right from the start for 2 reasons:
- Digital ad platforms are maturing. Gone are the days of digital being a cheap way to reach an audience. That well has dried up. The focus has shifted to CLTV of a customer, and that can only be measured over time.
- Consumers’ preferences are changing; with the deluge of ads that everyone is being crushed by, people don’t want to be just “sold” anymore. Building a relationship through providing invaluable information in the form of content, and continuing to do so long before expecting a sale, is the currency of the 21st-century economy.
For more on content marketing, check out Imaginasium’s article 33 Critical Elements to Crafting a Killer Content Marketing Strategy
Miles Anthony Smith, a digital marketer, delights in delivering solid content for people hungry for answers to their most vexing questions or challenges.
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