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How to Use Social Media for B2B Lead Generation?

How to Use Social Media for B2B Lead Generation?

From the perspective of B2B lead generation, social media has always been seen as somewhat controversial. While it’s true that marketers recognize the importance of social media in B2C, they […]

How to Set Up a B2B Lead Generation Campaign?

How to Set Up a B2B Lead Generation Campaign?

Setting up an effective lead generation campaign is top-of-mind for the majority of B2B marketers out there. In fact, 68% of B2B organizations say that increasing the number of quality […]

What Channels Should the B2B Industry Use to Generate Leads?

What Channels Should the B2B Industry Use to Generate Leads?

Generating qualified leads is the core objective of every B2B marketing strategy in existence. Unlike B2Cs, a B2B company will have to work with a far smaller customer pool, making lead generation that much more important. Putting together a strong pipeline of incoming leads will ensure steady growth over the long term. When discussing the approach, B2B lead generation is all about understanding what strategies exist, and which work best, along with staying on top of the latest lead generation trends.
When looking at the research, there are challenges that many marketing professionals encounter across the board. Some 61% of marketers say that traffic and lead generation are their top marketing challenges. 39% say it’s deriving ROI from their digital marketing activities. It’s also important to add, only 16% of B2B marketers consider their lead generation programs as very or extremely effective.

The Ultimate Guide To B2B Lead Generation in 2020

The Ultimate Guide To B2B Lead Generation in 2020

Lead generation is a critical element of business for every company out there. When it comes to B2B lead generation, this is even more important, since B2B leads are more scarce than those for B2Cs. Therefore, B2B companies need to work much harder to stand above their competition and draw the attention of their potential customers.

According to the statistics, the top priority for B2B professionals isn’t increasing lead volume, per se. While 55% of B2B professionals name increasing lead volume as a priority, more (68%) say increasing the number of quality leads is the greater focus. Not incidentally is the fact that the biggest B2B lead generation challenge is also a high-quality lead generation (at 59%).

Further down the line in terms of priorities, we have better measurements and analysis of marketing initiatives (41%) as well as improving marketing and sales alignment (39%). As for what other challenges B2B marketers consider problematic for their lead generation efforts, there is lead-to-customer conversion (42%), effective lead nurturing (37%), and demonstrating lead generation ROI (36%).